I Take Full Credit For This Matchmaking

Elle was relieved when school started again. Having more to do helped her keep her mind off of all the things she had to worry about. 

Not completely though. Everyone who had seen the news and recognized her face or name had a million questions. She ended up telling a lot of people that it wasn't their business. No one here was actually her friend. 

There were only three people in the world she considered her friends. Collin, Cherry, and Scott. They actually cared about her. Everyone else was simply looking for gossip. 

The questions stopped after about a week and she was glad that was over. Now all she had to do was get through that engagement party and then she would be free to focus on worrying about acceptance letters. Those should be coming out within the next month and she was undeniably nervous. 

Cherry was especially excited about doing her up for the party. "You're going to knock them dead! Especially Collin."