You Say That Like It's A Bad Thing

Hunter ended up sending Victoria a very polite email riddled with lies about how he tried his best but Gwen saw through him and he wasn't able to get any closer to her so it wouldn't be possible to incite a scandal. He wired the money back to her and ignored her furious reply. 

She couldn't do anything to him. If she exposed him, she would be exposing herself. 

That business was over and done with. Now he had to finish his business with Gwen as well. Then he would never have to deal with her ridiculously beautiful face making his heart freak out on him again. 

She was all smiles when she saw him on Tuesday though. Much more talkative than usual too as she told him all about how she had posted her video on multiple platforms and used a bunch of relevant hashtags to get herself noticed. 

Her video had already gotten several thousand views, which was pretty good considering the type of content it was. Not bad for a first attempt. Not bad at all.