...You Don't Even Know Me

Gwen woke up in the hospital with a wicked headache and no idea what was going on. The last thing she remembered was being at The Mirror's party. 

Kathleen was sitting next to her looking even graver than usual. "Mr. Capri is furious."

Mr. Capri was the head of the modeling agency she worked for. Hearing that made her uneasy. "Why? What happened? What am I doing in the hospital? I don't remember anything. One minute I was at the party and the next I was here."

"You went missing when some very important people wanted to talk to you and then someone got a picture of you being carried away by a man. It's front page news. Everyone is speculating who it was because he was only visible from the back. All they know is that he was blonde." 

Gwen's unease turned into dread. A man carried her away? 

"Have I…was I raped?"