You Really Think She's Going To Believe That?

Hunter was an idiot. He exposed himself not only by admitting he liked Gwen but by admitting he knew who she was. 

He thought he managed to salvage that surprisingly well though. She didn't seem the slightest bit suspicious of him. She really was naïve. 

He wasn't lying when he said he hadn't been a fan of her before though. He had never given her much thought before Victoria dragged him into her mess. It was interacting with her in person that got him. 

Supermodel Gwen Frost and the Gwen Frost sitting in front of him right now were very different. The former was dazzling and perfect but cold, kind of like snow. The latter showed much more warmth. The real Gwen was exactly that. Real. 

She had opinions (though she wasn't big on sharing them) and something she was passionate about and really rocked that pixie cut. He couldn't take his eyes off of her after she removed the wig.