I Said That Out Loud, Didn't I?

Darius Burns didn't want to admit that Hunter was right about online dating but it had been two weeks and he had been out every single night with a new disaster. He didn't know what else he could do aside from continuing to try though. 

He was stressed but at least work stress had gone done after Gwen's training finished. She was an incredibly capable personal assistant. 

She very rarely had questions for him. Usually, she followed the script he had given her and simply directed clients his way. That gave him a bit more free time so he could breathe. 

One day, he had nothing to do so he ended up going to Central Park to walk around and enjoy the weather while it was nice. He saw a lot of families out and about enjoying the weather and sighed. He had come out here to make himself feel better but now he was feeling worse. 

Was Darius truly that undesirable? Why hadn't anything ever worked out?