
Hunter tried very hard not to think about the eminent demise of his relationship in the following weeks and simply enjoy the ride. Summer was a romantic time of year and there were plenty of things to do. 

Gwen's excitement while doing them didn't stop. She had lived in this city her whole life and there was so much she hadn't done. 

On nights he didn't have anything going on, she would stay at his place. They would watch movies, hang out with his snake, play board games she had never been introduced to, and make love. 

Sometimes when he went to pick her up, he would hang around talking to her roommates for a little while. This was partly because he wanted to get a better read on Becca and partly because he wanted to be sure none of the men she was living with were interested in her. 

Hunter noticed that Becca seemed to be the apartment's pet. People were always patting her head or giving her hugs.