Wait, Seriously?

Joy patted Noelle's shoulder. "I know. None of us think he's a terrible person."

"I dunno, I'm pretty sure Mateo and Jacob think he's a terrible person," Becca mused. "They get into arguments more than anyone else in the apartment combined."

Joy sighed. "You're not wrong about that." 

"How do you handle him?" Gwen asked curiously. "He does seem to listen to you more than anyone else."

"Derek really isn't that bad. I was in a bad place when I moved in and he helped me snap out of it with a case of tough love once he came along. It was what I needed at the time. He may be abrasive but he has a good heart in there somewhere. I try to remember that when he's being difficult."

Huh. Was her theory that Derek had a soft spot for Joy true? 

"Joy's a saint," Becca added, putting the dress back. "I feel kind of bad for Derek though. He's totally going to die alone." 

Noelle let out a helpless sigh and mumbled, "So am I, at this rate."