Because I Love You

Darius couldn't believe Becca didn't care about any of the things everyone else had ever cared about. She wasn't bothered at all. 

He had been upset that she was being so down on herself about something that really wasn't that big of a deal and thinking way too highly of him in comparison. He wasn't that great. She needed to know that so he abandoned his reservations and told her. 

He hadn't expected what she told him in return. That was a really awful thing to tell someone. He suddenly had the urge to go pick a fight with her brother despite never meeting him before. 

Then it hit him that she might actually be trying to do what everyone suggested. He had felt like it was all too good to be true. Hunter had tried warning him about this very thing several times. To not rush into things with just anyone because he was desperate. 

Could that really be happening here? Becca seemed so genuine! Could it really all be an act?