I Think You Need A Vacation

That conversation got Gwen thinking about a lot of things but the one that stuck with her over the following days was the expectation of her roommates that her relationship with Hunter would get more serious. Why? They had only been dating for a few months. 

Was it because of how much she talked about him? She did spend more time with him than anyone aside from her roommates. 

Or was it as Becca said the other day about thinking Hunter was in love with her because of the way he looked at her? That had flitted in and out of her head ever since. 

Gwen had tried to pay attention to the way Hunter looked at her. All she had really noticed was how often he did it. Maybe it really was like he never wanted to look away as Becca thought. 

All she knew was that they both enjoyed being with each other. Wasn't that what mattered?