I Just Want This Over With

"Did those guys ever figure out how they're getting to Buffalo?" Hunter asked curiously, remembering a conversation he had with Darius a couple weeks back. 

Gwen nodded. "Yeah. They're renting a van and road tripping. I love those guys but I'm glad I'm flying with you instead."

He snorted. So straightforward! He couldn't blame her though. He could only imagine the chaos of six people being stuck in the same car for more than five hours. He was glad he could fly out too. 

"It'll certainly be faster. At least we'll be there for all of the rehearsal stuff without having to worry as much about time." 

"Have you ever been in a wedding before?" Gwen asked curiously. 

"Are you kidding? I've never even been TO a wedding before this. I'm guessing you haven't either."

"I went to my dad's."