What? No!

Victoria had to be more subtle than that. She had to expose this information publicly. If she was going to properly frame Hunter, everyone had to know he was guilty. So everyone had to know he had been Gwen's boyfriend. 

He wasn't the only paparazzi in town. Telling someone that Hunter Iverson had been the man in the photo from back in June would be juicy news. It might even join the trending topics on Twitter. 

It should make its way back to Gwen on her own. Hopefully, she wouldn't be too stupid to figure it out herself from there. 

If she was, Victoria could intervene further by using a dummy account to comment on all of her videos saying that she couldn't believe Gwen would date such a famous paparazzi. That couldn't be connected back to her. 

Revenge would be simple. Child's play. She would be able to get rid of both of her enemies in one fell swoop. 

Stupid children. They shouldn't have dared to think they could mess with Victoria Frost.