I Don't Know...

Gwen was uneasy when they made it back inside. Derek was too because he was scowling more than usual. "You aren't really going to take that load of bull seriously, are you?" 

"I don't want to but why would he say it?"

"To get you to talk to him. We already know he's a liar," Jacob pointed out. 

"I don't know…he seemed pretty serious," Joy said, biting her lip. "What would he have to gain by coming up with such an outrageous lie? It would be hard to back up. He might be telling the truth."

"If he is telling the truth, don't we just have to keep Gwen inside and away from objects of unknown origin?" Noelle suggested. 

"For how long? She can't stay in here forever! She would go insane," Mateo pointed out. 

Gwen was already going insane. Why in the world would Hunter say something so horrible? And why had he looked like that? If she didn't know any better, she would say he missed her and was desperate to save her.