It Wasn't What I Thought

The detectives exchanged a glance. "What's this about getting you fired?"

"She spiked my drink and tried to get someone to take compromising photos of me but my boyfriend got me out of there before that happened. That still ended up in the news so I got fired anyway but it could have been a lot worse," Gwen explained.

"Your boyfriend. Hunter Iverson?" Detective Lopez asked. 

"Yes. He's the one who figured out what Victoria was up to and got me the help I needed in time." 

"Was he the one who was just in here with you?"


"I see. Thank you for your time, Miss Frost. Please call me if you remember anything else." Detective Lopez handed her a card and they both headed out, probably to talk to Hunter. 

Did he really have this under control? Was everything going to be okay?