The Power Of Love

Hunter had never planned to get married. Never so much as considered it until Darius's wedding. 

The thought had tortured him while he worried about how Gwen would react to the truth but now it might not be so impossible. It obviously couldn't happen any time soon. She was still trying to trust him again and that was totally fair. It wasn't the time to ask. 

She was dealing with the fallout of everything with Victoria, trying to catch up on all of the commissions she was behind on, and recovering from her "snake bite." He couldn't spring something like that on her now. 

That was okay. Hunter could wait. He didn't think Gwen would be going anywhere any time soon. 

The fallout of the horrifying attempted murder of the woman he loved wasn't the only thing going on in his life right now. There were good things too, like Darius and Becca finding out the gender of their baby.