That's Horrible!

Noelle hadn't minded Jade's bossiness much when it came to costumes. Other things, however…

Group costumes were actually pretty fun. She and her roommates had done one every year she had lived there. Well, not with all of them. Just those who didn't have other Halloween plans. 

Nobody had said anything about this year's theme yet but she knew it would come up sooner or later. They only had about a month to figure something out. 

She enjoyed doing things like that with her roommates. She looked forward to being able to do a girl's thrifting trip this weekend. She just had to get through the work week first. 

Noelle had another two dates lined up as well but didn't have high hopes after the last one. The first was lackluster and the second was downright insulting. He said she looked way fatter than she did in her pictures and that he didn't want to date a redheaded cow before walking away without even giving her a chance.