I Want You To Be Happy

Perry did not like being unable to talk to its friends but it managed to stay relatively busy with figuring out how to get Larry a present. It had to cheat the system a little. More than a little, truthfully. 

It did not have a legally recognized existence. Setting up a bank account could not be done online. It had to be done in person with identification documents. 

However, Perry was able to find a code for a Visa gift card online. Ordering things online only required a name, a billing address, and a card number. It could use this building as the address easily enough. It was where Perry lived, after all.

The real question was what Larry would like to receive as a gift. Perry knew what sort of things he talked about most often but that did not necessarily translate to gift ideas so easily. There had to be something that would make him happy. There was no one else left to buy him presents on special occasions. It was up to Perry.