You're A Total Protagonist!

Noelle thought back on her brief impression of her savior. He was much taller than her—probably at least a foot—and pale with light eyes and light blonde hair. He had stubble all over his face and seemed rather disheveled. She would even say roughed up. Very skinny too. 

It was hard to tell what his face normally looked like because of all the lacerations and bruising. Did he have a habit of getting into fights he couldn't win defending other people or had he gotten into some sort of accident? 

She couldn't stop thinking about him all the next day and was disappointed when she didn't manage to spot him. Was it his day off? Or had he been so badly hurt that he couldn't come in? Were wounds that required stitches that serious? 

She wasn't sure. She had never needed stitches. Blake had but she was so little when it happened that she remembered nothing about the incident except what people reminisced years later.