You Really Wanted To Meet Me That Much?

When Noelle arrived at the restaurant, Perry was already waiting for her. He was wearing jeans and a button-down shirt but the buttons weren't lined up with all of the right holes so his collar was slightly crooked. 

His expression was completely blank until he saw her and then his eyes lit up as he rushed over to hug her. "Hello, Noelle! It is so good to see you!" 

She was slightly taken aback by his enthusiastic greeting but returned the hug anyway. "It's good to see you too."

They were seated at a table shortly afterward and Perry kept staring at her. It was hard to decipher his expression but she felt almost like she was being x-rayed. She didn't say anything until after a waiter came by to take their drink orders. 

"So," Noelle said, not quite sure where to begin. "You live in New York City too."


"Have you always lived here?"
