The Scary Man

Callie bit her lip. She really did need a job. And if she was allowed to bring Carter, that would save her a lot on preschool expenses. She could put him in a full-day kindergarten program come fall. 

"Is this a long-term job offer? Because Carter will start kindergarten in the fall and I'll need to be able to drop him off and pick him up. And will it come with health insurance?"

"That's fine. Yes, I can provide health insurance. Please. I just need someone that won't quit on me after less than a month."

Mr. Griffith's tone was long-suffering. He was sick of inconsistency and needed someone reliable who would stick around. But that did raise the question of why no one wanted to work for him. She might be putting herself in a bad situation here. 

"WHY do people keep quitting on you?"

"Because they don't like my face," he said bluntly. "They say that working for me will give them a heart attack sooner or later."