We're Pretty Pathetic, Aren't We?

Adam and Callie had opposite problems. She was short on time and money but was healthy while he had plenty of time and money but couldn't do the things he wanted because of the state of his body. 

Neither of them were able to do what they wanted. They had that much in common. 

She had more hope than he did though. Her financial situation might improve someday. He would never get his leg or face back. 

Supposedly, his mobility would improve with time but he just took several steps backward in that regard after stupidly getting hurt. He had already felt like he would never get there. Now it was so much worse. 

Adam didn't even know what he was doing sitting here feeling sorry for this girl who was better off than he was in a lot of ways. He must be losing his mind. Maybe it was the pain meds. 

Callie wouldn't want his pity anyway. She was the independent sort.