I Don't Want To Bother Him!

September turned to October. Nothing changed. Callie felt more and more restless as time went on without a set date for Adam to come back. 

Carter did too. He wanted him to come to his school's Halloween carnival again and was barely placated by her promise to send him pictures of Carter's costume. The daily phone calls weren't enough for him. 

"When's Daddy coming back?" he would ask all the time. 

"I don't know, baby."

"Is he gonna be back for Thanksgiving?"

"I don't know."

Thanksgiving was drawing nearer and there was still no indication of things letting up at work enough for him to come back. There was a good chance he wouldn't and she would have to cook for two. How depressing. 

In years past, she hadn't bothered making a Thanksgiving dinner. Carter had been too little to know the difference and it wasn't like she could afford it anyway.