I Know This Is Going To Sound Really Bad But...

Laney called Richard as soon as she went to the doctor to have it confirmed. "Hey, I'm pregnant. How do you want to proceed from here?"

"We need to get engaged immediately. Send me a picture of what sort of ring you want and I'll get it for you. We'll have to send out announcements and get everything planned as quickly as possible, claiming that we want it done before you start to show. I'll get a wedding planner for you to make things easier. The wedding is going to have to be big because of my family."

She felt slightly ill. She hadn't considered that. Rich people did have big weddings, didn't they?

"Oh. Okay. What am I allowed to do myself?"

Laney didn't know if she would ever be getting married again so she wanted to have at least a little input if possible. Besides, Olivia and her other girlfriends would be suspicious if she didn't.