A Serious Cold Fish

Elle Dawson had been coming home from a perfectly normal day of her surgical vet residency when she found her husband sitting on the couch staring at his phone with the most perplexed expression she had ever seen from him. 

"Collin? What's wrong?"

He looked up at her with a frown. "I got asked to be someone's best man."

"Who is it? I didn't know any of our friends were getting married!" she exclaimed as she took off her shoes. 

"It's not anyone you know," Collin said, sounding all the more baffled. 

Now Elle was confused. He hadn't had any friends before meeting her. Who that she didn't know would bother asking him to fulfil such a role? It was usually reserved for best friends.

"Huh. Is that why you seem so confused?" she asked. 

"Yeah. You'd have to know the guy to understand but I really thought pigs would fly before he got married. He's…well…he's kind of hard to describe." 

"Try me."