Sometimes People Just Cry For No Reason

Greg waved goodbye cheerfully and Laney unlocked her father's apartment, barely making it inside before the tears began to fall. Lissy didn't notice at first because she was hugging her like usual but then she looked up and was startled because she never saw her sister cry. 

"What's wrong?! Why are you crying?"

"I'm fine! I was just talking to Greg—"

"What did he do? Was he mean to you? Did he do something bad?"

"No, Lissy, he didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes people just cry for no reason," Laney said tiredly. "Especially when they're pregnant."

Lissy frowned. "I didn't know that. Are you sure you're gonna be okay though?"

"Yeah. Have you done your homework yet?"

"Uh huh! And cleaned my room. So can we make brownies after dinner? You did say we could make them after you got back but we didn't have time yesterday."

Laney ruffled her hair. "That's my girl. You got it."