Can You Stay With Me?

As promised, Laney talked to her sister the entire time. Which was quite a while considering how long the MRI took. Once it was done, she hugged the girl tightly and praised her for how brave she was. 

Lissy sniffled and said that her head hurt. She had been putting on a tough act for her sister earlier but she was an upset child in need of comfort right now and her sister was happy to provide it for her. Richard knew that Laney was a nurturer but had never seen it in action quite to this extent before.

"You're going to need to stay here tonight but I'll come get you tomorrow morning, okay?" 

"Can you stay with me?" Lissy asked quietly.

"Until visiting hours end," Laney promised as she kissed the top of her head. "I've got you. Don't you worry about a thing."

"That won't be a problem if she's in a private room," Richard said, realizing after this display that both of them would be more assured if they were able to stay together.