Things Were Different Now

Richard had time to think while he was stuck on guard duty and had been able to put a few things together. The friend in question had to be Elle Dawson. She had been comforting Laney as she cried after giving birth to Karina. So, if anyone knew what was going on, she seemed to be the most likely candidate. 

How had that ended up happening? Laney wasn't one to talk about her problems…unless pressed. 

Had Elle somehow figured out what was going on beforehand and got her to talk about it that way? She didn't even know Richard! But her husband did. 

As one of his most long-standing acquaintances, Collin could very easily be suspicious of his motives for getting married. They might have discussed it before the wedding. He hadn't seen Elle talking to Laney specifically that day but that didn't mean it didn't happen.