His Plan All Along

Laney took a deep breath before getting into it. "As you know, it did start out as a contract relationship. We were helping each other out because we were both in kind of desperate situations. We had to convince everyone else it was real but didn't really see each other beyond that.

"He still took very good care of me though, even if it was from a distance at first. As we spent more time together, that became more obvious. He was there for me during some very difficult times with Lissy and they ended up becoming close. 

"He takes very good care of his own. We realized we loved each other along the way so I said yes when he asked me to stay with him and disregard the contract. That's all you need to know."

Greg wasn't satisfied with this. "But that friend of yours said you were in love with me. You didn't just get together with Richard as a rebound?"