Is That Good?

How indeed. They didn't have a translator most of the time. They were going to have to make things up as they went along and hope for the best because they made each other happy. Daniela didn't want to give that up. 

"Lo resolveremos," she said with more confidence than she felt before remembering how to translate it. "We'll figure it out."

Sam sighed before looking at her in a way that made her heart flip in her chest. "You really are irresistible. Alright. We'll figure it out. Together." 

Daniela beamed at him before throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him more thoroughly than yesterday. He froze only for a second before responding eagerly. She wasn't sure how long they kissed but they broke apart as soon as they heard a disgusted male voice. 

"Ugh! My eyes!" He continued in English she couldn't understand and Sam, blushing heavily, retorted to whatever he was saying until he walked off shaking his head.