They Were Definitely On To Him

Daniela wasn't happy with this. She desperately grasped Sam's shirt in her fists. "Necesito que estés más seguro."

He knew all of those but 'seguro' and looked at her questioningly. She amended her statement with words he knew. "Necesito tú no peligro." 

Ah. She said, 'I need you no danger.' 'Seguro' probably meant safe then. He would have to remember that. There really were so many words to keep track of. Sometimes he wondered if they would ever be able to have a proper conversation. 

"It's only for a couple of weeks," Sam tried reassuring her.

"That's too long!" 

He cupped her face in his hands and gently kissed her lips since words didn't seem to be enough. "It will be okay." 

"Sam…" Daniela said desperately as she rested her forehead against his. "Please."

"I'll be fine! Promise. Go to bed. I'll be in soon."