One Problem Down

Sam got stuck in horrible traffic on his way to pick up Lucy from her day camp one day because of an accident and called to let them know he would be late. "Oh, don't worry about it! Your brother already came and picked her up."

His heart was immediately seized with panic. "What?! I don't have a brother!" 

"What do you mean you don't have a brother?! He knew everything about your family and what's going on with your wife! I thought—"


The woman cursed and hung up. That wasn't enough. He had to call them too. They had to find her. He couldn't lose Lucy! Not after basically losing Daniela!

There was only one person he could think of who would have been watching him and bothered to take her. Whoever had shot his wife. This was definitely personal…but who was it if not the men he had put in prison that should still be in there?

Sam dialed with shaking fingers. "911, what's your emergency?"