Before Sam could say anything else, his phone rang. He was set to ignore it until he saw it was from the hospital. His heartrate spiked. Had something happened to Daniela?!

"Hello?" he asked, trying to hide his desperation. 

"Sam Braithwaite?"


"This is Judy from NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. Your wife Daniela is awake." 


Awake. She was actually awake? After more than ten years of being asleep?

"We're running some tests now to make sure that everything is alright cognitively. Can you come to the hospital?" Judy asked. 

Come to the hospital. See Daniela. Who was awake. OF COURSE he had to drop everything and run there immediately. The miracle he had prayed for but never thought would come had actually happened!

"Yes! I'm in Pennsylvania right now but I'll head there right away," Sam said eagerly. "Thank you so much!" 

Lucy looked at him a bit uneasily. "Dad? You're leaving early?"