A Little More Time

Skyler tried explaining all of this to Monica the next day, which resulted in another fight. In the end, she angrily called him a mama's boy, broke up with him, and took the job. 

He had been crushed. His mother was happy but it didn't make a speck of difference for him. He was like an empty shell without Monica. She had been the only thing that made him happy in his relatively lifeless existence controlled by his mother. And now she was gone. 

He floated through life in a daze for nearly a year until his mother died of a heart attack. He was so confused. Part of him grieved deeply but the other part wondered…with his mother gone…couldn't he go to Monica now? 

There was nothing stopping him. They could be together and be happy like before. 

Skyler called her and she picked up the phone as if he was a stranger. "Monica Campbell."