You're Safe

After they arrested Sky or whoever he really was…then what? How was Addison supposed to bounce back from something this horrific? She probably needed a therapist, didn't she? Ugh, this was such a nightmare. 

She couldn't even wish she hadn't checked that room because if she hadn't, she would have joined them sooner or later. The very thought made her shudder. No. She couldn't think about that right now. She had to hold herself together. It was bad enough that she already broke down in front of Jacob. 

What must he think of her right now? The girlfriend of a serial killer he had been hunting. She would never be able to look him in the eye again. 

Oh, did that even matter? Addison had never even thought she would SEE Jacob again before this. Of course she just had to go and run into him at the worst possible moment.