In The Same Boat

Derek and Joy were polar opposites. It didn't make sense that the two of them were as close as they were. From Joy's end, it had to be because she was the most patient and kind person on the planet but Jacob had never been able to fathom it from Derek's. 

Derek sighed and looked more uncomfortable than he had this entire conversation. "It is pretty ridiculous that someone like me would ever love someone like her, isn't it? I guess it started because she gets me in a way no one else does. She grew on me. Even if she is miles out of my league, it couldn't be helped."

Joy had always been more understanding of his behavior than the others. Jacob always assumed it was because of her personality but what if there was more to it? 

Joy had lost her husband…had Derek lost someone too? Did they actually manage to have something in common? 

"She is very likable," Jacob ended up saying mildly rather than voicing any of his thoughts.