You Just Feel Guilty

Jacob looked at Addison uncomprehendingly. "You seriously came here right after three twelves because you were worried about me?"

She was insulted. "Of course I did! What do you take me for?!"

"Is this out of a misplaced sense of obligation or what? You don't have to worry about me. That isn't your job just because I helped you out. Don't force yourself."

"I'm not forcing myself!" 

"Oh please. Don't give me that. You just feel guilty." 

Addison was getting angry and let go of his hand to put her hands on her hips and glare at him. "Jacob Jin-ho Lee, I am NOT here because I feel guilty. Got that? I'm here because I care about what happens to you!" 

"You were holding my hand. Why?" Jacob asked as if he hadn't even realized it until she let go. 

She groaned and ran her hands down her face in agitation. Why wasn't the fact that she cared about what happened to him getting through to him? Wasn't it obvious?