I Want To Go Home

Rachel tried looking for other ways out. The windows wouldn't be an option either even if they weren't super high up because they didn't open all the way. She could get it open a few inches at most. Barely enough to get her hand out and her hands weren't that big. 

She wasn't very big to begin with. She wore Jewel's old clothes from years ago and probably looked a lot younger than she was. 

She had really long matted hair too because it had kept growing all this time with no one to brush it for her when she was younger. She had tried a few times once she was older without much luck. The tangles were impossible to get out and it hurt to try. 

Rachel hadn't had a haircut since she got here. She didn't have any scissors or anything so it wasn't like she could do it herself. She didn't have anything sharp up here unless you counted her violin bow.