I Think He Knew

Everyone exchanged a glance after Joy and Rachel left. Addison ended up breaking the silence first. "So…who here knew Joy had a kid before last week?"

"I did but only because I shared a room with her and saw her family pictures," Becca said with a shrug. "Had no idea she was kidnapped though."

"I didn't know until Harrison was born because Becca said she had given birth before but I thought she delivered a stillborn," Noelle added softly. "She was pretty upset but that makes sense in the context of her daughter being kidnapped too." 

"I'm the same as Noelle. I figured something happened but didn't have any details," Gwen said.

Addison shook her head in wonder. "She really keeps things close to her chest, doesn't she? Jacob was totally shocked. Rachel just walked into his precinct, you know. He only knew Joy had a daughter at all after doing a DNA test to find her parents."