You Would Not Believe The Day I've Had

The conversation stopped there until they got to the police station and Rachel's grip on Felix's hand grew so tight she nearly cut off his circulation. She must be nervous. 

"It's going to be okay. They'll help you find your parents," he reassured her with a smile.

"But it's so big and there are so many people in here," she said in a small voice. 

"I've got you. Don't worry about it. I'll stay until someone comes to pick you up. Promise."

"…pinky promise?"

He held up his other pinky and linked it with hers. "Pinky promise. Come on."

There went the rest of his day but he wasn't about to leave a scared kid alone. That wouldn't be nice. So he stayed with her all through the detective's questioning. 

He was questioned too and could tell Detective Lee wanted to talk to him alone but Rachel panicked. "No! He pinky promised he'd stay with me until someone came to pick me up! You can't break pinky promises! It's against the law."