He Felt Like He Couldn't Say No

"We're going to go get ice cream to celebrate. Will you come with us?" Rachel asked when Felix finally thought he might have an opening to leave. 

He felt like he couldn't say no with how pleadingly she was looking at him and found himself herded along with the group to a nearby ice cream place. There were so many of them that they had to push multiple tables together. 

He felt very out of place here until she turned her full attention on him after her stepdad paid for both of their ice cream. Felix had tried protesting but her parents insisted so it was easier to thank them and let it go. He couldn't remember the last time he went out to get ice cream instead of eating it straight out of the tub anyway. 

Rachel told him all about school and her friend Dana and things she had done for fun over the summer, like going to a waterpark with Hunter, Gwen, Detective Lee (whose name turned out to be Jacob), and his girlfriend Addison. She had an awful lot to say.