He Was Like A Star To Her

Rachel thought she was doing okay adjusting back to the real world. She used her family and Dana as motivation a lot of the time. She didn't want to cause them any trouble. 

Dana was very understanding about her fear of crowds. The two of them didn't go out often, usually doing stay-at-home things. But when they did go out, she let Rachel hold the hem of her shirt to make her feel better or they walked with their arms linked the way bosom sisters did in the Regency romance movies Dana showed her. 

She loved love about as much as Noelle did and changed crushes often as a result. Rachel didn't have any unless you counted Felix. She thought about him more than she thought about any other boy. 

Not all the time though. Just…every so often. 

Dana only sort of knew about him. She knew that Rachel liked his band at least because she had introduced Moonlight Monkeys to her.