What Are We Supposed To Do Now?

After testifying in that kidnapping trial, Felix's friends had a lot of questions but it didn't take too long for all of that to blow over. It may have been the weirdest thing that ever happened to him but there were more pressing issues to deal with once it was over. 

He finished his two years at community college before transferring to a four-year university and that, work, and band stuff kept him pretty busy. Moonlight Monkeys ended up playing more shows as their YouTube following got a bit bigger. 

Most of their work was weddings since a lot of people got married in this city. But they had a fair number of gigs at clubs, bars, and other places willing to give amateurs a shot. 

Whenever Felix wasn't working or studying, he was at band practice. He would have been perfectly satisfied with that if not for all the love in the air around him. He had tried dating a few times but he never really clicked with anyone.