It's A Work In Progress

Rachel had never been to a wedding other than her parents' (which was different because it was at a courthouse) before she joined Moonlight Monkeys and started performing at them. She knew the drill when Toby's rolled around. 

Thankfully, she didn't have to sit alone despite almost everyone she knew being in the bridal party. There was still Dana. 

They ended up sitting next to a couple in their early twenties and overheard a bit of their conversation. "When Felix asked me to set Toby up with one of my friends, I never would have imagined them actually getting married," the woman remarked. 

The man laughed. "Felix was the one who asked?"

"Well, Toby and I had barely met so he probably would have felt awkward asking me himself." 

"Toby doesn't feel awkward about anything," Rachel pitched in with a laugh. "You guys must be Preston and Lucy. It's nice to meet you! I'm Rachel. The new vocalist of Moonlight Monkeys."