So listen well.

"Lady Ithania, did you call me? Can I help you with something?" Ferox questioned respectfully.

Ithania saved his life before, she gave her a choice to be free, and she was the one who awakened his inner warrior, no matter where he goes, the respect he has for Ithania will never diminish.

"Ferox, do you want to be strong?" Ithania questioned.

"Of course, I want to, Lady Ithania." Ferox answered without a second of hesitation.

"Don't answer so quickly, Ferox. Remember what I told you before? There is no free lunch in this world, to get something, you have to go through hardships.

You can be strong, yes.

The process will be quick, yes.

However, it will be extremely, I repeat, extremely painful.

Are you willing to take the risk?"

Ithania questioned again.

And again, without any hesitation, Ferox answered.