I will devour him and be done with it

"Hahaha~ He actually believed his enemy, how dumb." Ithania laughed out loud.

"YOU BI- AAgggghhh!!" Nash was angered since Ithania was making fun of him, however, just as he diverted his attention, a man pierced a sword on his right thigh. He lost his balance and then fell to the ground.

With both his hands and a thigh injured, Nash who was now laying on the ground was nothing more than target practice for the humans charmed by Azriel.


The only thing he could do was try and persuade the humans to stop attacking him, however, it did not work.

Another sword pierced his left thigh.

Attack his limbs.

That was the order and the humans fulfilled it.


Azriel ordered as he and Ithania stood up and walked towards Nash who now lay on the ground, unable to move. However, although his condition was like that, his eyes were filled with sheer anger!

"You bastards! Why are you listening to his orders!?" Nash questioned in rage.