Where did you get those gold coins from?

"Ithania! You are the best!"

After they left Luminia's room, Azriel couldn't contain his excitement and hugged Ithania tightly.

"Oi oi, you brute release me! You are too strong!" Ithania groaned with a small chuckle.

Azriel didn't say anything and just loosened his hug around her, however, he did not release her.

He was too happy today!

Ithania just sighed and shook her head.

"Tsk Tsk, a brute indeed…" Ithania commented.

However, from the beautiful smile that had appeared on her face, she didn't seem to hate Azriel's hug.

Although a little unexpected, it still felt good.

He was her only friend after all.

"Heh. You can call me brute all you want for today, since I am in a good mood, I'll let you go" Azriel replied as he finally calmed down and released her.

The reason why he was so happy?

Heh, that was because of the results of the meeting.