Since when has war letter been written with ink?

Author's Note: Again, this chapter might be disturbing for some readers. Proceed with caution.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

A black-haired man, wearing a lavish red coat over his white shirt was sitting inside his office and was calmly reading the documents that were on the table when suddenly, he heard someone knocking hurriedly on his door.

A frown appeared on his face,

'Why is this man in a hurry? Can't he keep things down,'

Of course, he can't just keep complaining about it, he had to do something about this.

"Enter." He ordered.

The moment he ordered, the door was opened and a man wearing skin-tight black clothes appeared. From the look on his face, it looked like he wanted to say something urgently.

"Report!" The man spoke as he straightened his back.

The man wearing a red coat frowned and then he nodded, signalling him to continue.