'Will' of Yrniel.

"Father, we have to stop them."

"Yes, father, we can't allow them to continue."

"You have to do something about this."

"Indeed, this can't go on."

12 humans surrounded a human who was sitting on his chair with a leisurely look on his face. The 12 of them looked quite anxious, however, the man sitting on his chair didn't share their worries.

"Oh C'mon…" Caesar groaned.

Then, he looked at his 12 children and questioned,

"So you are telling me that girl, Aeliana turned into a Vampire?"

"Yes, she did." One of the 12 humans nodded.

A small smile appeared on Caesar's face and then he shook his head and chuckled,

"That girl must be quite happy huh…

Her attachment to Azriel is unusually high.

Tsk Tsk, I am jealous of that Bastard.

She is my daughter!"

"Father! This is not something to laugh at!"

A human called out.

"Yes father, please understand, Aeliana did not become Vampire alone, she has started converting other humans into Vampires as well!