Hehe~ I want to see him.

'Come back alive.'

Azriel heard a voice.


A small frown appeared on Azriel's calm face.

He knew he heard a voice but that is what confused him.

Why the hell is he hearing this voice?

He is inside his coffin right now, then how…

How is he hearing this voice in his head?

Also, why does this voice sound so familiar?

Was it Aeliana's voice?


Was it any of the Progenitors?


Then how…

How was this voice so familiar?

Suddenly, Azriel came up with a conjecture.

Am I hallucinating?

He wondered inwardly.

Was it because he lost his Blood Essence?

Or was it… the initiation of Death?

However, as if opposing his conjecture,

'Come back alive.'

He heard the voice again.

And this time, it didn't end here.

'Our team of Brute and Brain won't exist if you, the Brute, doesn't return.

So make sure to come back, alright?'

This time, the voice belonged to someone else, however, even this voice felt very familiar to Azriel.

'Come back alive.'