He's back.


Absolutely Useless.

This World's Core, or whatever it was.

Absolutely Useless.

With just 2% Energy, there was absolutely nothing Azriel could do.

All of this Energy is used by the Fairies, and Azriel couldn't benefit from it in any way.

'So much for a Reward for clearing the Trial.'

Azriel snorted inwardly.

Then, he raised his hand and looked at his palm.

'I guess clearing the Trial is a reward in itself.'

Whatever happened in this Trial, one thing was sure.

This is going to help Azriel.

Living as Azriel Origin for such a long time, seeing the level of strength that he can actually achieve, seeing the power of the True Vampires, and Azriel Origin's personality itself, these things will definitely help Azriel.

Azriel clenched his fist and a smile appeared on his face.

A smile that resembled Azriel Origin.

Then, his smile widened and it resembled Azriel Ruinous.