Lord Azriel my ass!

"Bringing back the Vampire Era.

This is our mission, and in this mission.

I will be your Ruler."

Azriel announced.


However, he didn't receive the reaction he was expecting.

Rather than the cheering and claps he was expecting, the vampires just stood there, silent.


Suddenly, Ferox roared. Valerian and Tassia followed behind and started clapping.

Then, all the vampires who knew about Azriel started cheering and clapping for Azriel as well.

They knew what kind of monster this man was.

He has disappeared for so many years, however, the impact he has left in their mind was never removed.

Right now, most of these Vampires were a stage or two higher than Azriel, however, no one dared to show any disrespect.

The Vampires felt that even if their cultivation was higher, Azriel could still beat them.

In their eyes, Azriel was an undefeatable existence who slaughtered humans like they were vegetables.